Friday, March 14, 2008

Uncle Robbie

My Uncle Robbie died this past week. I want to write about it but I find myself not able to. Instead, I will post the letter that I wrote for his online memorial book.

When Levi called about Robbie, I immediately began to think about the moments that he has left in my life.

Perhaps the strongest memory that I have is when my father took us to visit him when Sally was just a baby. She was still in diapers and walking around the house. The way that Robbie said her name, "sally" as his face lit up- you knew how much he loved his little girl. You could see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice. He loved being her dad with his life.

Then I remember getting ready for Tina's wedding at grandpa's house. Back in those days he and grandpa thought I was a 'bleeding heart liberal'. Yes, we were all talking politics at the cottage up island. Robbie said to grandpa, "don't worry dad. She's young and liberal; she has a heart- she'll grow up" and they chuckled. They enjoyed talking politics together, Robbie and grandpa.

I remember as a child visiting him while he was building his home. I remember as the hammering was sounding, the boys were running around on the rocks. It was a great place to run. He came down and talked to us- my dad and Colleen- about what he was doing and what he was going to build. He loved building his own home with his own hands.

Another memory that I have is of him with Timmy. It was grandpa's funeral. They had to catch the boat. Timmy was in church. There was a fierce protective pride that he had in Timmy. When I saw him gathering Timmy, I remembered him saying "sally" years ago....and felt again that powerful love that he had for his kids.

An email photo was sent to me of Robbie and Rose with their grandchildren riding amusement park rides- so young at heart- and enjoying his grandchildren.

The last memory that I will have of Robbie is from a princesses' wedding. Sandy Ree's wedding was a gift in that so many of us were able to laugh, dance and love together. Robbie was dancing, having a good time with everyone. While Uncle Warren and Bev were talking with me about Caleb; Robbie was listening attentively with his heart.

My heart breaks for grandma- for no mother should live through this.
My heart breaks for Rose-I pray that you find peace in these days and comfort through the family.
My heart thinks of Sally, Timmy, Steven and Brian.....and all the grandchildren;
Aunt Beth, Aunt Sandy, Aunt Kathy- Uncle Ted, Uncle Reggie and my father- what a tragic loss to you all.

With love and regret that I find myself writing a memory about uncle Robbie-

1 comment:

Mary said...

Hi Tera Rose,

Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm sorry for your loss.

So you have a addiction, too! I'm a beginning birder and can't walk outdoors without looking UP. LOL!

I enjoyed browsing your posts. Lucky you - I've never seen a bald eagle in the wild.
